Be Guided By The Current

By Mary Kay Buttery

Life for me is like putting gas in a car; it is something one does over and over.

It’s no secret; things change. Relationships change. Family life change. Work dynamics change. You will undoubtedly experience many different changes while on this planet. How you handle those changes depends on you.

Ones personal evolution is the discovery of becoming who they are capable of being by letting life unfold without tightly controlling the outcome. It is based on accepting and loving who we are. And, discovering who we are capable of being.

We don’t always enjoy every event that comes forth in our life. And we shouldn’t expect to. But accepting these times without resistance can assist the process to “flow” along more effortlessly and easily.

Keep this in mind, when we get upset it wasn’t caused by what happened. Our entanglement and resisting causes our distress. The moment we take away these components the upset disappears.


Life is dynamic and unpredictable. When life gets stressful establishing a frame of reference toward what is transcending is beneficial, or we may become own worst enemy. In these moments we are susceptible and may look for relief through our favorite coping mechanism/s such as sugar, alcohol, excess spending, etc, to soothe ourselves.

Sometimes though revolution occurs. As a result of a sudden change in mental landscape our lives can change enormously in one fell swoop. After 20 years, and one failed attempt to quit, one day just I stopped smoking cigarettes. And I haven’t smoked one since.

These about faces, however, are not the customary way life presents itself. Most change takes time to grow and mature. The grooves engraved into our minds by years or decades of habitual conjectures are not wiped away instantly; they do however become fainter for lack of use. This occurs while new paths are created. We build them print-by-print slowly but surely, until they ultimately become well-worn passages.

Trying to force the pace of change can lead to a debacle; like pulling grass to make it grow faster may in fact kill it.

A river rarely takes a straight course, meandering instead through the natural shape of the landscape, keeping to the lowest points, moving around mountains and hills. But the water keeps flowing and, eventually, reaches the sea.

The key to lasting change is to go with the current of your natural well being. There is no hurry. The stream of life is directing you.

Water is a fitting analogy. It seeks the low ground and always yields to resistance. Yet water can, over many years, wear down sharp rocks into small, smooth pebbles and carve wide, deep channels through a landscape. This is how change takes place.

To resist the natural flow of life is pointless. We can easily become obsessed with acquiring something or getting somewhere, but to want something so badly can also push it away. To change your life is to get in pace with “following your bliss”, or to move with the current. Let go, relax, and fall into life. It will direct you to wondrous new shores.

When we drop resistance, we allow ourselves to gently float down the river marveling at how life unfolds without interference from us.

Ultimately there are no mistakes, just easier or harder paths to the same place.

Remember, small things done consistently, create HUGE results

Yesterday ended last night; today is a brand new day, and it’s yours.

About the Author: Mary Kay is available for private consultations, speaking engagements, etc.. Be sure to visit her website

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