Getting Some Retirement Planning Advice, For Free}

Submitted by: John Chomsky

You don’t have to do a lot investigating to find some good retirement planning advice these days. You shouldn’t wait to long on following up on that advice. There will come a day that starting to save up for those golden years is to late. Then you will have to keep working just to keep your head above water. Many people somehow seem to believe that you have to wait until a certain age before you can start saving up for your retirement. That is not true, you can even start saving up for your children if you want to. That may be a strange idea, saving up for your children’s retirement but if you can spare the money why not?

Planning a retirement advice

First thing you need to find out by yourself is what you already know about retirement planning and start from there. Find out how much money you think you will need once you retire. And don’t think about what you need just to get by but imagine how much money you would need to do all the things you want to do when you don’t have to work anymore. Remember you have all the time of the world at that stage so you should do some fun things and those cost money. So think of a larger amount then what you would need when you are still working. Also let’s not forget that pesky thing called inflation take that in to account as well.


Then the next step would be to take that number to a specialist, find yourself a retirement advisor or consultant and show him or her the number you have in mind that you want at the end of you working career. The specialist will tell you if that number is reasonable and how you can accomplish that amount. They can offer you retirement planning advice with things like retirement income stream, savings strategies etc. etc.

Some extra tips

The above is of course very basic advice and without knowing your personal situation it is probably the most anybody can give you. You can never start to soon with saving up for your retirement planning. Always review your benefit statements because these individual statements show the total plan and the invested amount.

Do you know the retirement plan of your spouse? It wouldn’t be the first time that a retirement plan provides a benefit for the spouse and sometime they are not aware of this fact and are thus missing out on a savings opportunity. Take a look at your social security statement, which is another great tip, the administration of the social security will send a statement each year some three months before a person’s birthday.

Preparing for and planning your retirement is an important task, maybe be something you don’t want to think about at this moment but it should not be put off until later. When you pushing it forward the chances are you need to save larger amounts of money just to reach your projected end target. Maybe you need some professional help, and most people do, then don’t be afraid to make an appointment at a financial institution of browse the internet and look for companies specialised in the subject of retirement planning advice.

About the Author: John Chomsky worked as a consultant helping other people plan for their retirement. Almost forgetting his own. Take a look at his website if you want to find out more about

retirement planning and withdrawals from 401k plans

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retirement planning software free


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